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Frequently asked questions

How can I book a lesson?
To book a lesson use to CONTACT form, or send me an email: [email protected]

How will I know you are the teacher I am looking for?
Before starting we have a free 30 min online meeting, in which we discuss what problems you have and what you expect of me.

At what time can I have lessons?
Depending on my availability, I give private lessons on:
Mondays & Fridays 1.30 pm_7.00 pm
Tuesdays_Thursdays from 8.30 am_7.00 pm
Saturdays by mutual agreement

How do we decide on the content of the lessons? 
TEENAGERS: for homework tutoring, you (parent/carer) send me the homework by email in advance, so I will have time to prepare. If your child has no homework, we revise and play educational games.
GENERAL ENGLISH: I always add extra material for further explanation, a different approach and enrichment.

When will I start seeing results?
It depends on how much effort my students put in, but in general they book results within 10 max 20 lessons.